Why we walk the Night

We walk the night to bring awareness and raise money for various crises in the world. This year, the proceeds went to the emergency aid projects below. 


A sad anniversary: 10 years ago, ISIS fighters attacked the Yazidi community in Iraq. Large numbers of them were killed, raped or kidnapped. All 450,000 people living in the Sinjar area had to flee. To this day, only half of the people have been able to return home. It is still unsafe, houses are in ruins and there is a great shortage of facilities. 

Since 2018, we have been providing emergency medical care here together with our local partner Yazda. Our now two mobile clinics (in 2021 we walked for the first clinic!) drive around 14 hard-to-reach villages every week. We stay in each village for a few hours, to provide residents with (mental) medical care and medicines. These are often chronically ill people (diabetes, high blood pressure), pregnant women or people with depression. Together, the clinics reach up to 2500 people per month. 

Democratic Republic of Congo  

In recent months, the rebel group M23 has brutally conquered more and more territory in eastern DRC. In the past 5 months alone, more than 600,000 people have fled the area. They flee from village to village, chased by the violence. Many of them have now ended up in camps around the city of Goma, where they live in difficult conditions.   

The Netherlands Refugee Foundation is currently working to start emergency aid here, together with our local partner CAJED. We focus on the highest needs: food and shelter. For example, we hand out tarps so that people can build a (dry) shelter for themselves. We hope to reach 18,000 of them with our aid.   


More than two years ago, the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. The population is struggling: they are dealing with a food crisis, persistent drought and a fragile security situation. For a few months now, 1.7 million Afghan refugees have been forced to return to Afghanistan from neighboring Pakistan. They are taken in in villages where people are already having a hard time themselves.   

The Netherlands Refugee Foundation takes action with partner PIN to assist them with cash aid. The most vulnerable families (8,000 households) are selected and receive an amount of 140 euros, which they can spend themselves on what they need most. For example, they buy food or can take their child to a health clinic. 


More than a year ago, a major outburst of violence began in Sudan and the end is not yet in sight. Almost all of the population is being driven out of the Darfur region with great aggression. Many lived from agriculture, but can no longer cultivate their land due to lack of safety. More than 750,000 people have now crossed the border with Chad (mainly mothers and children), fleeing the violence. 

We have started a project together with local partner HelpChad, right on the border with Darfur. Straight through the border valley, new refugees still arrive in the camps that have arisen every day. We firstly ensure that they have access to drinking water. Because the ground is so hard and the water is so deep, we do this by creating boreholes to access water sources. We also build good toilets in the camps and distribute household items such as pans, cutlery and jerry cans. 

